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Head's End of Term Update

Update including uniform, parent information evenings and return to school timings in September

Dear Parents and Carers,

At the end of another academic year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements and memorable events that have shaped our school community over the past few weeks. It has been a period filled with trips, celebration evenings, performances and, today, sports day.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the parents who have supported our school throughout the year. Your involvement, encouragement, and collaboration have played a vital role in fostering a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for our students. Without your unwavering support, our successes would not have been possible. Thank you for your dedication and commitment.

During the final weeks of this term, our school showcased its vibrant artistic spirit with the highly anticipated production of "School of Rock". The students delivered an awe-inspiring performance, demonstrating their creativity, teamwork, and passion for the arts. It was truly a joyous celebration of talent and a testament to the hard work and dedication of both the students and our dedicated staff. A particular thanks to Mrs Wallis-Windle and Mrs Chapman for the weekends and evenings that they committed to the students for rehearsals and preparation.

Moreover, we recently held two prestigious events to honour the achievements of our performing arts students and our PE and Sport students. The Awards Evenings provided a platform to acknowledge the exceptional talent and commitment displayed by our students in these respective fields. It was a heart-warming experience to witness their growth, resilience, and determination throughout the year.

There have also been some fantastic opportunities for students to develop beyond the standard curriculum. At this time of year, it is often the case that visits take place and this year we have seen activity similar to pre-pandemic levels. Students have been to Rhineland, Silverstone, Holdenby House and Yorkshire Wildlife Park to name a few. My thanks to the staff for organising these opportunities that enrich the students experiences of school.

Earlier in the school year parents completed a survey, and I am delighted to inform you that an overwhelming 85% of parents who responded to the survey indicated that they would highly recommend our school to other parents. This positive endorsement speaks volumes about the positive experiences and satisfaction that families have experienced within our school community. We are immensely grateful for your trust and support.

The insights gathered from the survey have been invaluable in guiding our school improvement priorities for the coming year. Your feedback has allowed us to identify areas of strength and areas where we can further enhance the educational experience we provide. We are committed to continuously improving and refining our practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.

As we move forward, we will be diligently working on implementing the necessary strategies and initiatives to address the identified areas for improvement. Your ongoing support, collaboration, and feedback will be crucial in our endeavours. We firmly believe that by working together, we can create an even better learning environment for our students.

As we prepare for the next academic year, I would like to reiterate the importance of adhering to our school's uniform standards. Students are expected to wear the school tie, a white shirt, a school blazer, and an appropriate skirt or trousers. It is essential that skirts are not rolled up, shirts are tucked in, and black shoes are worn instead of black trainers. Furthermore, please ensure that false eyelashes and acrylic/false nails are removed upon returning to school in September. Students are only permitted to wear one stud in each ear and a wristwatch as jewellery.

I am often asked by parents what constitutes the difference between a shoe and a trainer. Normally, if there is any doubt then the item should be avoided and quite clearly shoes such as Nike Air Force One and Nike Air Max are trainers.

In the interests of sustainability, we are giving away good quality, second-hand uniform which can be collected from school on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July between 10am-2pm.  We have lots of skirts, black jumpers, PE tops, PE jumpers and blazers in a range of sizes.

To keep you well-informed and involved in your child's education, we will be hosting Parent Information Evenings during the first week back. These sessions will provide valuable insights into the curriculum for the upcoming year, important dates, and student expectations. We highly encourage your attendance to these events, as they will enhance our partnership in supporting your child's academic journey. These events will last for approximately 30 minutes.

The timings for these are:

Year 7

Wednesday 6th September


Year 8

Wednesday 6th September


Year 9

Wednesday 6th September


Year 10

Thursday 7th September


Year 11

Thursday 7th September



Please be aware that our school's IT services, including email access, will not be operational for at least the first two weeks of the holiday due to migration of the school’s systems. Should you have any urgent matters, please contact the school reception directly by phone. While parents will still have access to StachelOne, please note that students' email addresses will be changing to Consequently, they will need to log back into apps, including Microsoft 365, following this change. Student passwords will remain the same.

If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding children over the holidays and are unable to reach the school then please contact the Nottingham Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). You can call them on 0300 500 80 80 or if it is outside of office hours then you can contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 456 4546. If a child is in immediate danger, then please ring 999. Further details are available online at

Please note that the school will reopen for:

Juniors, Year 7, and Year 12 students on Wednesday, 6th September. 

For all other year groups, school will resume on Thursday, 7th September.

We hope that this upcoming break will provide an opportunity for our students to rest, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with family and friends. 

In closing, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for your continued support and collaboration throughout this academic year. It has been an honour to work with such dedicated students, staff and parents, and I am immensely proud of our students' accomplishments this year. I wish you all a safe, enjoyable, and restful summer break.

Warmest regards,

Ben Chaloner

Head Teacher