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Financial Support for your Training

Teacher Training is a significant commitment, and the majority of our trainees do not work during their training year. In order to support trainees, financial support is available to cover university fees and living costs for the duration of your training. 

All trainees must pay course fees of £9,250 (or £16,800 for International Students) to their training provider – in our case, Nottingham Trent University. 

There are four types of funding available to UK citizens: 

  1. A tuition fee loan to cover the costs of your university tuition fees (means-tested),
  2. A maintenance loan to support your living costs (means-tested),
  3. Further financial support if you are a parent and/or have a disability and/or are a veteran of the forces, and 
  4. A tax-free bursary or scholarship for some secondary subjects (as below). 

This funding is paid in instalments throughout the year. 

For the 2024-25 training year, bursaries and scholarships are available as below for trainees with an honours degree class of 1st, 2:1 or 2:2 (bursaries only) which relates to the subject that you are studying to teach. 

Subject Bursary Scholarship
Art and Design £10,000 N/A
Biology £25,000 N/A
Chemistry £28,000 £30,000
Computing £28,000 £30,000
Design and Technology £25,000 N/A
English £10,000 N/A
Geography £25,000 N/A
Languages £25,000 £27,000
Mathematics £28,000 £30,000
Music £10,000 N/A
Physics £28,000 £30,000
Religious Education £10,000 N/A

Please note: all bursaries are subject to trainees meeting the full conditions of an offer to enter teacher training.

What is a Student Loan?

A student loan is an amount of money that is paid to you to support your living costs (up to £13, 022) or used to pay all or part of your university tuition fees (up to £9,250). 

Student loans are means tested – trainees’ household income is assessed with greater amounts of loans offered to those in most need. 

Almost all trainees are entitled to student loans. 
Student loans are repaid at a low rate from your future earnings, and repayments only take place if you are earning at least £27,000.  

After 30 years, any remaining loan will be written off. 

More information: Tuition fee and maintenance loans 

What is a bursary? 

A bursary is an amount of money that is paid directly to you in instalments throughout your study. 

Bursary amounts vary each year, depending upon the demand for teachers in that phase or subject. The amount of bursary offered is determined by the DfE. 

Trainees with a degree class of a 1st, 2:1 or 2:2 are entitled to a bursary if they are training in certain phases or subjects (see table above). 

Bursaries do not have to be repaid. 

More information: Teacher training bursaries