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Covid-19 Update - 15th October 2020

As we near the end of the half term I have to report a further two positive cases of Covid-19 within our school community. A member of staff and a student in year 12 have tested positive.

In each case we have followed the Public Health protocol of identifying close contacts in the 48 hours before symptoms developed. This has led us to identify a small number of students and a member of staff that need to self-isolate for 14 days from their last time of contact. The students and their families have been informed separately.

I appreciate your understanding and support at this time. We understand that you may be anxious. Half term will give a 16-day break for students from their peers. We will be reminding them of the national guidance including social distancing and the ‘rule of six’ that they need to adhere to over this time. If your child does test positive through the holidays, then please do continue to let school know using

Many thanks

Mr Chaloner