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Weekly Update 25th January 2021

Wellbeing, student work and parents' evenings.

Dear Parents and Carers,

How are you? All too often we answer the question without really thinking about it. A cursory fine or OK is the response we give – the response that people expect – but is that really the answer? When school operates as normal we see our students every day - we ask them how they are - but how are our students doing now? How are they coping not only with school work but also with the wider situation of lockdown? Please do spend the time to ask your child the question and to listen to the answer. In times like this it is important that we listen to each other and support each other as much as we can. On our website we regularly link to resources that can support children’s wellbeing. These resources can be accessed at  here.

Over the past week we have launched the use of Teams Assignments. This is enabling our staff to see the work that your children are completing and to enable us to give feedback. I am continually impressed with the work that our students are completing and submitting. Examples are often shared on twitter through the school and subject area accounts which can be found here

Tomorrow (Tuesday 26th January 2021) our Year 11 parents’ evening will be taking place online. We are using a new system for this, SchoolCloud, and hope for a smooth and successful night allowing parents to learn more about how their child is engaging with school. Following swiftly after this we begin the year 9 options process. There will be an online presentation on 3rd February and parents’ evening the following week – Monday 8th February. Further details will follow.

Many thanks for your continued support of the school.

Ben Chaloner- Head Teacher