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This includes information about online learning and resources for students.

After the announcement of school closures yesterday there are still many questions which remain unanswered and further briefings for schools are due.  Today we will be receiving information about the continued onsite provision for vulnerable learners and the children of key workers.  As soon as we have this information this will be shared with you and we will send out a survey for you to complete to help us identify where provision might be needed.

Tomorrow we will receive further information about exams - we know no exams will be sat in the summer and it is likely students will be awarded a grade based on other evidence.  More complete information will be shared with you after the government briefing. This will include support and guidance for those students in the examination cohorts.

For students in years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 and in the Junior School there is guidance about how work will be set in the coming weeks.  This is summarised in the attached document and will also be shared with students in school.  Teachers have been preparing for this eventuality, although there may be changes over time and these will be communicated to you by email and through the website.

Although the school is closed to students there will continue to be staff available to help you and email is the best option.  More information about lines of communication in a later briefing.

Today is a very sad day for many, and in particular for year 11 and year 13 students.  We don't yet know if we will be open again in time to celebrate the end of their Minster School days this academic year but it is guaranteed that these celebrations will happen and we will be organising extra-special occasions for you all, whenever that might be.

I will continue to keep you updated as best I can and there will be a further set of information later today.

Matthew Parris