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News Upadate 9th December

18th December and Confirmed Covid-19 case

Dear parents and carers,

Please find details of two updates below. These refer to plans for the 18th December and a confirmed case of Covid-19 in our school community.

18th December 2020

Yesterday (Tuesday 8th December 2020)  the government issued advice to schools for the end of term including requirements for schools to help with “test and trace” for the first 6 days of the school holiday.  They have given the option for schools to move an INSET day from later in the year to Friday 18th December so the school’s responsibilities can end before Christmas Eve.  This would mean adding an extra day in school for pupils later in the academic year.

The Minster family of schools already has an INSET day planned for Monday 4th January and will not be moving this to Friday 18th December.  This would cause unnecessary disruption to family plans, training plans for staff and activities planned for pupils at the end of term.  The group of schools has taken this decision collectively so that families have the same arrangements for siblings.

To support national efforts to keep everyone safe and in accordance with the national requirements, we ask parents and carers to contact us up to and including 24th December if a pupil of the school is diagnosed with COVID-19 and they have developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in school. We will then be able to identify and contact any close contacts that would be expected to self-isolate. We will provide contact details for school during this time next week.

Confirmed Covid-19 Case

This afternoon (Wednesday 9th December 2020) we have been informed of a confirmed case of of Covid-19 within the school community. Having reviewed this case we have identified a number of students who will need to self-isolate. The families of these students have, this evening, been informed separately. If you have not had a separate text message/email then you should continue to send you child to school.

As always - many thanks for your support at this time.

Ben Chaloner - Head Teacher